Saturday, January 17, 2009

Rach's day at the Capitol

Hello folks, I know I wanted to write about my day at the Capitol a couple of days ago but I had other things to do away from computer so I am back and writing about my day at the Capitol for State of the State Address.

The day was really cold with subzero weather and less ideal to take city bus but I still had to take bus since its my mode of transportation. It took me 1 1/2 hour, three buses, avoided two car in ditches and two spinning cars on the way but I made to the State Capitol by 10:30 AM so I could be warmed up and ready to meet my friend, Rep. Marsha Swails by 11:00 AM in Rotunda.

When I got upstairs to the Rotunda area, not many people just a couple of lobbyists and a capitol tour guide plus a couple of security folks with a bomb sniffing dog. They all was happy to see me again.

After meeting Rep. Swails, we went upstairs to DFL Caucus meeting for House members and on the way to the caucus, people was surprised to see me back and some was thinking that I was at the Capitol to work. I sat in between of two good friends: Reps Erin Murphy and Jeff Hayden. The room was totally packed full with House members from DFL party. Rep, Tony Sertich and Mindy Geriling was speaking about what to expect from Governor's speech. When they asked if there was any announcements, Rep, Swails stood up and told everyone in the room that I was there as her guest and that I am no longer working at the Capitol and said some good stuff about me such as how I consider the Legislature and its members as my own family. Everyone was looking at me and exploded in applause and some waved to me. After the caucus meeting, I joined rest of House DFL members going into chamber and more people was happy to see me.

I walked in hallway as if I was one of legislator (hence I was given nickname "Legislator" years ago) and people just respected me. We got into House Chamber, I shook some people hands and I greeted Legislative Security Officers and Sergeant at Arms officers. Rep, Swails showed me where she usually sit on House floor so we sat down for awhile. Few moments later, Rep. Swails wanted to take me into House Retiring Room so I could see more of my friends and we had cup of hot chocolate and tea. We returned to our seat, and more people came up to me and talked to me. Been getting hugs, high fives, kisses on cheeks, shook hands all day- Everyone missed me because I have been there for three legislative sessions as employee and I always help them out with what they needed such as with re-election campaigns or anything they need.

We had to sit down when speech started. We had to hear what the Governor had to say, and he rather to do kitchen table approach to deal with budget. You may read text of his speech on other article I wrote. Interesting that GOP Caucus members applaud hands more than we did because since I am DFL so I have to follow what our caucus do.

After the speech, more people approached me and I had to leave quickly because my friend and I was going to have lunch so we just left and since it was very cold to take bus and it was nice of friend to drive me home before committee meeting started. People in Legislative community do help each other in time of need. As what Rep. Swails said in the caucus that day, I do consider them my one big happy family even if we don't agree on things and bickering for hours.

It was nice to be back at the Capitol and yes I do really miss working at the Capitol. I will be back at the Capitol from time to time during session. I am proud to be part of the legislative community and have been for many years.

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