Thursday, April 16, 2009

C' mon, T-Paw make up your mind!

Governor Tim Pawlenty need to make his mind up on what he want to do with US Senate election. Minnesota Citizens like myself deserve two US Senators. other 49 states that have 2 senators which isn't fair. I don't care if it's Franken or Coleman. I feel that Senator Amy Klobuchar is overwhelmed and stressed out with huge pile of casework and constituent workload.

Since he is one who sign election certificate along Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, he just need go ahead and sign it so we could have 2nd US Senator. We need fair representation. I am very frustrated just like Minnesota citizens. We are not Florida. Mark Ritchie isn't Katherine Harris, he is doing good job and he have been very careful with the process.

Norm and Tim, If you are reading this: I know we don't discuss politics but we all need to get over this and join other 49 states that have two US Senators so the US Senate could have full quorum in case if there need to be tie-breaker. No hard feelings but we need to get what Minnesota Citizens deserves: two US Senators. You need to allow Amy Klobuchar take a break since as I mention she have huge pile of caseloads that one Senator really can't get all done at once.

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