Friday, January 4, 2013


Rep. Steve Gottwalt (R-St. Cloud) decided to leave Minnesota House of Representatives after serving 4 terms and second member to resign after Rep. Terry Morrow (DFL-St. Peter). He have taken job with Center for Diagnostic Imaging, a healthcare company in continuing its leadership in providing high quality, cost-effective diagnostic imaging services as a Lobbyist. He cannot stay as State Representative and being a Lobbyist due to conflict of interest and it was very tough decision for him.

Here is his resignation letter to fellow House Members:

Dear Colleagues:

At the beginning of December, I announced the great news that I had joined Center for Diagnostic Imaging as Director of State Legislative Policy, in a national role assisting this healthcare company in continuing its leadership in providing high quality, cost-effective diagnostic imaging services.  My role at the CDI Quality Institute is to understand and translate the complex state healthcare regulatory environment in more than 25 states in which the company sees patients, and I am proud to be working with a healthcare company actively seeking solutions at a critical time for health care across the country.

As I’ve settled in at CDI, I see the states are once again the laboratory of democracy, and each is finding its own approach to implementing the new federal healthcare law.  It’s a huge set of changes, and it makes this position one to which I must fully commit as much time and focus as possible.  It quite simply is more than a full time job, and one that will not allow me the time I need to represent the people of District 14A as their State Representative.

That is why I have made the difficult decision to resign my seat in the Minnesota House of Representatives before the end of the month. I thank you, my colleagues, for our years of service together, and my constituents for their confidence in electing me to represent them. I will always appreciate the deep honor and privilege of serving the residents of St. Cloud, Waite Park, St. Augusta and Rockville.

Sincerely in service,

Rep. Steve Gottwalt
House District 14A

Gov. Mark Dayton has not called on special election. Stay tuned for updates on special election.