Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rep. Steve Gottwalt E-Newsletter Update 5-18-10

Rach's note: Rep. Steve Gottwalt posted this on his Facebook page and with his permission, I can post this in case if my readers whose are living in his district wondering what Rep. Gottwalt have to say at end of 2010 Legislative Session.

Rep. Steve Gottwalt E-Newsletter Update 5-18-10

Dear Neighbor:

The 2010 Legislative Session, and the brief special session, are over --
"sine die." Your State Legislature and Governor Pawlenty were able to
reach agreement on a proposal that eliminates Minnesota’s $3 billion
budget deficit for this year without tax increases, and without
extending our time in St. Paul. I'm sure that's the result most
Minnesotans wanted.

While I'm pleased we balanced the budget for this year, the deeper
concern is for next year when we expect to face a state budget deficit
of $7 billion. Unfortunately, the majority in charge of our legislature
again managed to ignore our long term budget problems. This year's
budget settlement does little to help grow private sector jobs, downsize
government, reform state programs, or cut spending long-term.

The deal, reached just before midnight Sunday night, balances the budget
primarily by shifting $2 billion of K-12 education funding to the next
biennium, and approving Governor Pawlenty's unallotments for this year

It also includes a controvercial option for the next governor to put
more than 100,000 Minnesotans into Medicaid through the ObamaCare
federal health program. As I have mentioned before, tieing ourselves to
ObamaCare is deeply concerning, especially since there is no assurance
of federal funding for this after 2014. The entire cost would then fall
on Minnesota taxpayers!

This year's budget settlement is a missed opportunity to reform
government, and spend tax dollars more efficiently and effectively.
Instead of working hard to set good priorities and live within our
means, the majority in charge kicked the can down the road to next year
when the challenge will be bigger than ever.

Again, for those who believe the solution is higher taxes on "wealthy"
Minnesotans, the facts suggest otherwise. Minnesota's spending has grown
at a double-digit rate for decades, while our economy and revenues have
not. We cannot continue to grow government at the expense of jobs and
job creators. It's killing the "goose" that lays Minnesota's "golden

The need for true reform could not be clearer! But this year, the
legislature chose to ignore future liabilities for Minnesotans, and
continue to deficit spend. (Frankly, that's the same approach driving
our crippling federal deficit.) By permanently reforming government
spending, we could have taken a significant chunk out of next year’s
projected budget deficit. Instead, we’ve taken care of only the current
problem, and will leave the future shortfall to a new legislature and
new governor.

I have to admit, it's been great to get home after this session and see
my beautiful family, enjoy the wonderful weather, and focus more energy
on my "regular" job. I also know we have much more work to do! This
summer, I will participate in legislative discussions aimed at reducing
and streamlining the legislature and government, and moving forward with
common sense health care reforms for state programs. We have a great
deal of extremely challenginmg work ahead, and I appreciate your
confidence in allowing me to represent you at our State Legislature.
Thank you, and please keep in touch!

Sincerely in service,

Rep. Steve Gottwalt
House District 15A
St. Cloud, Waite Park, St. Augusta and Rockville

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